QA Release Notes

June 4, 2020

July 4, 2018

Version 3.07 Editing an items description will now correctly update the details panel when saving. Balances viewed on a customer page will now correctly sort by…
June 4, 2020

June 12, 2018

Version 3.07 Fixed an issue that caused roll-fed stock to calculate registration leader and trailer into an imposition. Fixed an issue that prevented the default mode…
June 4, 2020

June 7, 2018

Version 3.07 Fixed an issue that caused some orders to be incorrectly included on accounts receivable when viewing aging reports. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused…
June 4, 2020

May 30, 2018

Version 3.07 Fixed an issue that caused an information message to be shown multiple times when an item has an invalid imposition. Fixed an issue that…
June 4, 2020

May 15, 2018

Version 3.07 Sheets for cost and sheets for price will now correctly calculate when using stock that calculates by piece. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused…
June 4, 2020

May 8, 2018

Version 3.07 Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause press hours to calculate incorrectly. Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the application to appear to…
June 4, 2020

May 1, 2018

Version 3.07 Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the sender name for order confirmation emails sent from the online ordering portal to be incorrect. Fixed…
June 4, 2020

April 17, 2018

Versions 3.07 Some Shippo provider warnings will now be displayed as warnings, rather than errors. Graphics GL Accounts will now be included when pre-filling an entry…
June 3, 2020

April 3, 2018

Versions 3.05 and later Fixed issue that could sometimes cause deposit codes to be displayed incorrectly when viewing or editing a payment. Fixed an issue that…