Release Notes

June 4, 2020

Version 3.06

Updates General Bug Fixes Security Updates
June 4, 2020

Version 3.05

New New Language Support MIS Supports South African Rand Password Strength Enforcement Must reach 60% strength for all new passwords Imports Vendors Vendor Contacts Suppliers Supplier…
June 4, 2020

Version 3.04

Updates General Bug Fixes Security Updates
June 4, 2020

Version 3.03

New Shipping Shippo Integration Packing Slips, Labels Feature Forum Request Smart Lists Actions Menu Item Summary Page Payment Screen Timers Quick Add Time Bulk Actions Remove Customers…
June 4, 2020

Version 3.02

New Customer Defaults Settings > Customers > Defaults – set default options that will populate in each new customer created Task Added to New menu Department…
June 4, 2020

Version 2.41

New HTML Report Tags Purchase order for Shipping Labels Calculated Run Time on WorkOrders {{PressTime}} Department Item Lock-to Variables Quickbooks export for Closeouts Securable Items for…
June 4, 2020

Version 2.40

Changes Dockets Tab now has 5 view options now shows Press and Bindery Times now has Department Filters on All now exports displayed results Closeouts the…
June 4, 2020

Version 2.39

New Lots has been changed to Versions, and Sheets, Pages and Sets of have been added Multiply By Lots has been changed to ‘Price Per Version’…
June 4, 2020

Version 2.38

New Web Press A new press format has been added for Web Press Offset Perfector A new press format has been added for Offset Perfector Changes Wide…