QA Release Notes

June 4, 2020

January 10, 2019

Version 3.12 Fixed an issue where products without top level catalogs was causing the online site to not load Fixed an issue where packing slips could…
June 4, 2020

January 9, 2019

Version 3.12 Fixed an issue where stock could be added to a PO that has a received status Fixed an issue with non public products on…
June 4, 2020

January 9, 2019

Version 3.11 Fixed an issue where a stock would show a PO record after it was deleted from the PO Fixed an issue where an online…
June 4, 2020

January 3, 2019

Version 3.12 Fixed an issue where hitting save after adding an invoice date would redisplay the calendar Add a cancel option when selecting a different customer…
June 4, 2020

December 28, 2018

Version 3.12 Remove the Customer Good heading always showing on Details Fixed an issue with graphic dept items including in graphics amount on item but not on…
June 4, 2020

December 21, 2018

Version 3.12 Fixed an issue where it the display showed multiple of the same email record Fixed an issue where commission amount may add to entry…
June 4, 2020

December 14, 2018

Version 3.12 Fixed an issue where PO was required when checking out even when set to not required Fixed an issue where an error was received…
June 4, 2020

December 12, 2018

Version 3.11 Fixed an issue where a contact with no address wasn’t defaulting to the customer address on an order Fixed an issue where view all…
June 4, 2020

November 27, 2018

Version 3.11 Removed a tool tip from Product Optiosns that indicated Name was for Internal Only Fixed the [SHIPPINGLOCATION] email tag to pull order location Fixed…