April 7, 2021

March 16, 2021
March 22, 2021
Version 3.17 – Beta
April 16, 2021


  • Fixed an issue with taxes sometimes recalculated when a parcel of a shipment was edited after posted
  • Fixed an issue where the deposit code shows inactive on payments when the deposit is considered closed
  • Fixed an issue with book cost displaying on the add stock modal
  • Fixed an issue with an error occurring sometimes changing quantities on items
  • Fixed an issue where quote table overrides clear when quantity is edited
  • Fixed an issue with edit pencils on details still displaying when customer edit security is disabled
  • Removed copy/paste buttons from notes modal and set back to original function
  • Changed File URLs to no be editable after saving so that files can be deleted on reorders
  • Fixed a UTC issue with ship date on shipment import
  • Fixed an issue with dimensions sometimes importing incorrectly on shipment import
  • Fixed an issue with shipments sometimes not importing contacts
  • Fixed an issue with time clock showing incorrect dates due to UTC issues
  • Fixed an issue where the uploader could sometimes see files others were uploading
  • Fixed an issue with Work Tumble not displaying on workorders
  • Changed budget codes to enforce unique codes
  • Changed contact import/export to use budget code (not name)
  • Restyled the file upload progress bar online
  • Change shipment import to not have tax rate required