Version 3.07
- Duplicating or inserting items into an order should now sort these new items to the bottom of the list (sorted by item number, ascending) by default.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the page to become hung when saving price scales on a template option.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused incorrect ups to be calculated when no flat size was specified along with a gutter or bleed.
- Some quality of life improvements to task creation for android device users.
- Fixed an error that occurred when saving a department item and then choosing to skip the bulk template option update that follows.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented users from deleting some security roles.
Version 3.10
- Products viewed in a shopping cart will now correctly update the price when changing the quantity for the item.
- Contacts will be correctly granted access to all of a customer’s products (if the appropriate setting applies) when registering via a referral link.
- Deleted products will no longer appear in the add product window while editing contacts.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an error to occur when viewing a shipment transaction created through Shippo integration.
- A contact’s addresses will now correctly pre-populate on the checkout page, falling back to the customer’s addresses when none are specified for the contact.