QA Release Notes

What version of DocketManager am I on?

QA Release Notes

July 24, 2018

July 24, 2018

Version 3.07

  • Inventory status for order items is now correctly reset after a reorder.
  • Shippo errors from providers will now be displayed with more context and information.
  • Emails now require a ‘To’ address to be specified before sending.
  • Price per version should now correctly calculate sheets.

Version 3.10

  • Product page titles now correctly display as Products rather than Online MIS Templates.
  • Post cuts will now correctly calculate for impositions with no bleed using presses with a print-safe margin specified.
  • Portal logo images should now be displayed more naturally.
  • Customizing a portal’s markup will no longer break the table header for contacts.
  • Items on the search page will now be ordered by order # descending, then by order item # descending by default.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented product catalogs from being deleted.
  • Prices are now correctly hidden or shown on the order status page, as well as emails sent to provisioners, based on the contact’s credentials and roles.

Version 3.11 – Beta

  • Creating new documents will now correctly default active to Yes.
  • Document editors are resizable again.
  • Uploading logos for customers and/or portals that include spaces in the file name will now be correctly found and displayed.
  • Work orders will now correctly output all information requested by the chosen template.
  • Tasks viewed via the main menu will now correctly sort by due date ascending by default (oldest first).
  • Notes on quote items will now correctly be transferred to order items when converting the quote to an order.
  • Generated work-orders will now correctly apply paging between each work order when printing multiple documents at once.
July 17, 2018

July 17, 2018

Version 3.07

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented users from viewing a shipping label requested from Shippo.
  • Tags for contacts will now be correctly exported.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when making subsequent payments through a customer view.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the page to become hung when adding multiple items to a purchase order in quick succession.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to delete active user contacts who had searches saved on production, orders, or customers/contacts.

Version 3.10

  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to check out with a contact who has no addresses, and no fallback addresses for the customer or cart.
  • Adding grouped products to a cart will now correctly calculate the price of the cart item.
  • Online orders containing products using variable templates with an identifying field will now correctly apply the ID field to the resulting order items.
  • Orders submitted online requiring a purchase order number will now correctly apply the purchase order number to the order.
  • Contacts created for a customer who requires its contacts to require a purchase order number will now correctly have that setting defaulted appropriately.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when checking out or approving a cart in an intermediary approval phase.
  • Sheets will now correctly auto-calculate for items based on the calculated press sheets for an item.
July 10, 2018

July 10, 2018

Version 3.07

  • Duplicating or inserting items into an order should now sort these new items to the bottom of the list (sorted by item number, ascending) by default.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the page to become hung when saving price scales on a template option.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused incorrect ups to be calculated when no flat size was specified along with a gutter or bleed.
  • Some quality of life improvements to task creation for android device users.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when saving a department item and then choosing to skip the bulk template option update that follows.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented users from deleting some security roles.

Version 3.10

  • Products viewed in a shopping cart will now correctly update the price when changing the quantity for the item.
  • Contacts will be correctly granted access to all of a customer’s products (if the appropriate setting applies) when registering via a referral link.
  • Deleted products will no longer appear in the add product window while editing contacts.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an error to occur when viewing a shipment transaction created through Shippo integration.
  • A contact’s addresses will now correctly pre-populate on the checkout page, falling back to the customer’s addresses when none are specified for the contact.
July 4, 2018

July 4, 2018

Version 3.07

  • Editing an items description will now correctly update the details panel when saving.
  • Balances viewed on a customer page will now correctly sort by posted date (oldest first).
  • Fixed an issue that caused new custom tags added to context via bulk actions to become duplicated.
  • Template work and turn and sheet-wise settings are no longer mutually exclusive when adding a template to an order item.
  • Templates set to exclude from job calculations will no longer be included in pricing for the template as an additional charge.
  • Statements will now correctly draw from the accounts payable contact on a customer.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused cutting charges to be added to an order item when an imposition calculates 0 up.
  • Splitting items from a quote or order will no longer cause the tax to be removed from the resulting order.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent users from registering on an online portal.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent a press from calculating when using step scales.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented security roles from being deleted when those roles were assigned to vendors or suppliers.
  • Date fields on all search forms will now correctly allow users to remove the value without having to clear the search.
  • Deleted customers are no longer visible when selecting a child company for a parent company customer.
  • 1-sided presses will no longer show 2nd side inks on when viewing the tab in view mode on an order item.
  • Duplicating job templates will now correctly copy the number of sides into the new template option.
  • Online mis templates will now correctly transfer statuses and item types to the new order when ordered online.

Version 3.10

  • Commissions will now recalculate when saving an order item’s price override.
  • Handling fees will now be correctly charged for products ordered online:
    • Customer handling fees will take precedence over portal fees.
    • Handling fees are only applied to carts where shipped is selected during checkout.
    • Online shipping charges are only applied when shipped is not selected during checkout.
    • Online shipping charges will now correctly be applied to the resulting order after checkout.
  • Deleted locations for contacts and customers are no longer selectable during checkout.
  • Changing a file’s type will no longer cause new files to overwrite the changed file.
  • Contacts attempting to log into portals they do not have access to will be shown an ‘access denied’ message.
  • New products created for a customer will not be shown online until pricing quotes have been specified.
  • Changing user specified quantities will now correctly update the price of an item when viewed on a product listing.
  • The Favorites menu item will now be correctly visible.
  • Shipped emails will now correctly support the ORDERITEMSDETAILS tag for order item groups.
  • Pricing for grouped products will now correctly display when viewed on the product’s details page.
  • Deleting contacts will now make their usernames available to be claimed again.
  • Changing a portal’s theme will no longer cause the page to be refreshed.
  • Finishing production queues will now correctly be referred to as “finishing” instead of “bindery” when editing a queue.
  • Contact exports will no longer include default customer contacts.
  • When changing item names, descriptions, or other text fields through bulk actions, the selection will be updated when you begin typing.
  • The contacts search page will now correctly update after deleting a contact.
  • Making credit card payments with saved cards will now correctly reset the window when dismissing, saving, or cancelling the payment.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented payments from being made when using a saved credit card profile.
  • Viewing quote approvals will now correctly display grouped items.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented saved cards from being visible when making payments through accounting.
June 12, 2018

June 12, 2018

Version 3.07

  • Fixed an issue that caused roll-fed stock to calculate registration leader and trailer into an imposition.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the default mode for a wide format press from being copied when duplicating a wide format press.

Version 3.10 (beta)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the online ordering portal from sending an email to the system owner when an online order is submitted.
  • Pricing per version should now correctly calculate quotes based on the number of versions specified.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause online portals to become hung when loading some navigation configurations.
  • Products will now correctly show a text box input when viewing products that allow for user specified quantities.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error when attempting to update a shopping cart with products that allowed for user specified quantities.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented attachments from being added to a quote email.
  • Tags will now be correctly saved when editing general docket defaults under Settings > Dockets > General.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent editing the creation date of an Entry.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause an error when attempting to delete a customer logo.
  • Product listings on the Profile Edit page of an online portal will now show the number of products being viewed per page.
  • Orders submitted online will now correctly set the Sales Representative for the order.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the dashboard to display $0.00 for this quarter when the fiscal year end was set to a month occurring before the current month.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause an error when attempting to add quote quantities to an order item or product.
  • Canned Emails will now correctly support the [ORDERDETAILSURL] and [REQUISITIONER] tags.
  • Orders submitted online will now correctly populate address details from the checkout page.
  • Order Items created from scratch will no longer display an error when saving for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing registered DocketManager users from logging into and administrating their online portals.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause an error to be displayed when attempting to upload a logo to an online portal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a 403 (access forbidden) error to be displayed when saving a profile online with no roles selected.
  • Products with no quote quantities will now be filtered from being displayed online. Please be sure to add pricing to products before making them available for purchase.