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QA Release Notes

December 12, 2018
December 12, 2018
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue where a contact with no address wasn’t defaulting to the customer address on an order
- Fixed an issue where view all Order History online was excluding orders with no contacts
- Fixed an issue where certain characters in the name of the document will break the thumbnail image
- Fixed an issue where stock size would not display on a job template without refreshing the page
- Fixed an issue where sometimes chrome would try and prefill credentials on SMTP integration section causing an error when removing values
- Fixed an issue where communication records for online confirmations were showing the wrong type
- Fixed an issue where deleting catalog would error because of deleted products
- Fixed an issue where the default order due option was not displaying first online
- Increased the character length for order items to 12
- Fixed an issue where clicking Save & View from Item Edit would prompt a message that Leaving the page will, changes will be not be saved
- Fixed an issue where new customers didn’t have a default Customer Since date set
- Fixed an issue where type for wide format presses would not hold a saved value on a template option
- Fixed an issue where adding the same outsourced vendor on an item more than once would group them into one
- Fixed an issue with totals on the Graphic Comparison report
- Fixed an issue where an error occured when viewing a 2nd page of security contacts
- Fixed an issue where deleted contacts were showining in the security role contact table
- Fixed an issue where an error occured on Save & View from scratch
November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018
Version 3.11
- Removed a tool tip from Product Optiosns that indicated Name was for Internal Only
- Fixed the [SHIPPINGLOCATION] email tag to pull order location
- Fixed an issue where a calculated sheets values were not displaying on workorders or the summary
- Fixed an issue where the customer export would export last quote date in the last order date field
- Fixed an issue where the check all box was still checked after make a commission payment
- Fixed an issue with the addtional location import generating an error
- Fixed an issue where a group displayed incorrectly online
- Fixed an issue where some sticky note types were not holding
- Fixed an issue where manully changing inks, plates and passes was incorrectly pulling speed
- Fixed an issue where an error would sometimes occur bulk removing department items from templates
- Fixed [COMPANYNAME] email tag for Purchase Order Emails to pull the Supplier Name
- Added Site Owner Company Name to Shippo labels
- Fixed an issue where files created through variable templates that did not have an identifying field set came in with no name
- Fixed an issue with time displaying incorrectly on timers for timezones outside EST
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an error when approving proofs online
- Fixed an issue where paging on the Assume Identity would throw an error
- Fixed an issue with shipping price didn’t populate with Shippo online
November 13, 2018
November 13, 2018
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue where sometimes you could not delete a security role
- Add column sorting for Invoice Date on the Payment Modal
- Fixed an issue where due date times were using UTC time to calculate
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when duplicating a product
- Added support for multi file select and upload online
- Fixed an issue where product attribute selections were no longer selected after customizing a variable template
- Fixed an issue where a user that is set to Filter by Logged in User could not assign tasks to others
- Fixed an issue with expiry date errors on Authorize.net refunds
- Fixed an error where a Shippo shipping label would break after initial view
- Fixed an issue with due dates not recalculating on an online reorder
- Fixed an issue where the default quantity for Customer Can Specify Quantity did not prefill on the Product List page
- Fixed an issue where the Handling Fee on the Portal was taken over the Handling Fee on the Customer
- Fixed an issue with the Order Amounts on the dashboard and order search screen not using UTC time
- Fixed an issue with group items showing different prices on the Product List than on Product Details
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue with some links to stocks in warning messages redirecting to an error page
- Fixed an issue where a user could assume the identity of a contact who is under a deleted customer
- Fixed an issue with setting a stock to backorder on PO could cause an error
- Fixed an issue on Stock PO where after saving a quantity a thousand (,) separator was amended into the quantity causing an error on a re-save
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the contact import would fail after a name change
- Fixed an issue where Active quote statuses were showing on orders
- Fixed an issue where deleting an item from a cart while on checkout would still charge for that deleted item
- Fixed an issue where a stock or customer good error online would create a partial item with no file attached
- Fixed an issue where [ORDERITEMSDETAILSNAME] and [ORDERITEMSDETAILSNAMENOJOB] in Online confirmation emsails would not display prices
- Fixed an issue where Contact name would pull into from name for Shippo Shipments, it will now pull receiver
November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue with html tags no longer working
- Fixed an issue clearing an imposition warning message