What version of DocketManager am I on?
QA Release Notes

January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Version 3.12
- Fixed an issue with outsourced scales sometime falling back to the first scale when quantity falls between
- Fixed an issue with multiple clicks to activate the pay button when making a payment through accounting
- Fixed an issue where generating a shipping label was blocked by certain security variables
- Fixed an issue where the tax report was excluding entries that had no GL Allocations
- Fixed an issue with saving the details tab of items with custom statuses
- Fixed an issue with saving the press tab on items with hot folders selected
- Fixed an issue where a new online product would direct to the catalog page
January 18, 2019
January 18, 2019
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue where adding a product to cart from the product list would not calculate due dates from default order due option
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect online password reset email was being used
- Fixed an issue with tags changing to inactive after a save
- Fixed an issue with online security roles removing from contacts after saving the General section
- Fixed an issue where saving any tab on Item Edit takes you back to the Detail tab
- Fixed an issue where deleting a supply from a PO still showed the PO on the Supply View page
Version 3.12
- Fixed an issue where adding a product to cart from the product list would not calculate due dates from default order due option
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect online password reset email was being used
- Fixed an issue with contact addresses not saving
- Fixed an issue where generating workorders could throw an error
- Fixed an issue where a registered contact’s company would be blank
- Fixed an issue where the export button would disappear on commissions when no results were found
- Fixed an issue where bcc and cc contacts on email records would show more than once
- Added Price Per and Total Price for customer good inventory records
- Changed Customer Good search to fall back to replenish template name when a customer good name is not provided
- Fixed an issue where a contact’s password would delete when a portal was selected prior to save
- Changed the Order Status page to sort by Order # descending
- Fixed an issue where deleted products were still displaying on the POS
January 11, 2019
January 11, 2019
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue where some entries are always visible on commission exports
- Fixed an issue with tags becoming inactive and displaying as an id instead of text
January 10, 2019
January 10, 2019
Version 3.12
- Fixed an issue where products without top level catalogs was causing the online site to not load
- Fixed an issue where packing slips could not be printed for order with shipments with parcels but no allocated items
January 9, 2019
January 9, 2019
Version 3.11
- Fixed an issue where a stock would show a PO record after it was deleted from the PO
- Fixed an issue where an online approver would remove all items from a cart but cart would still show on approval page
- Fixed an issue when creating a new template option on a new template, the template name shows as inactive until the template option’s first save
- Fixed an issue with the Postal/Zip headers being incorrect
- Fixed an issue with the tag {{UseEstimatedGraphicTime}} only displaying false
- Fixed an issue where a save on a from scratch item would not populate the other tabs
- Fixed an issue where hitting save multiple times before creating an item from scratch would create multiple items
- Fixed an issue where hitting edit on an email attachment, making no changes and hitting update could result in a blank attachment
- Fixed an issue with a bad record in marketing lists causing an error when trying to add all contacts
- Fixed an issue where adding a tag to vendor would change to say inactive after a save
- Fixed an issue where splitting items to a new order would flag them with a quote status
- Fixed an issue when using a job template with a note, the note type would change to generic on the item
- Fixed an issue where duplicating stock would throw an error for duplicate supplier code. Copy will also be amended to the supplier code.
- Fixed an issue where calculated ups would not display on press view
- Fixed an issue where the entries total for outsourced vendors on an item displayed incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where a contact email wasn’t always being sent to Authorize.net
Version 3.12
- Fixed an issue with the tag {{UseEstimatedGraphicTime}} only displaying false
- Fixed an issue where production queues using a graphic view were displaying one line item per proof status
- Fixed an issue with missing fields on the custom export
- Fixed an issue where an item sometimes wasn’t recognizing default bleed values
- Fixed an issue where the Grand Total display was sometimes not including discounts
- Fixed an issue with new contacts online not being granted access to products
- Removed column sorting from quantity table in edit mode. Issue was that quantity was missing a sort option, to add would be a large amount of work so headers have been temporarily removed.
- Fixed an issue with the pay button not enabling and focus going back to previous field