What version of DocketManager am I on?
QA Release Notes

June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
(Released to Beta: June 28, 2022, Released to Public: June 28, 2022)
- Fixed an error with expanding notes with blank lines
- Fixed an issue with viewing all orders for customers with [ ] in the name
- Fixed an issue with changing file groups on files from reorders
- Fixed an issue with posting shipments that have groups with different quantities
June 10, 2022
June 10, 2022
(Released to Beta: June 10, 2022, Released to Public: June 28, 2022)
- Removed file urls from proofing
- Fixed an issue with urls as preview files
- Fixed an issue with colons being parsed out of websites hrefs
- Fixed an issue with numbering not recalculating when manually changing quantity
- Fixed an issue with POs showing value as an override instead of placeholder
- Fixed an issue with oops occurring toggling to code view for customers with apostrophe
- Add a space in the Awaiting Approval tag on order status
- Fixed an issue with the links on quote alerts for declined or changes required
May 11, 2022
May 11, 2022
(Released to Beta: May 11, 2022, Released to Public: May 24, 2022)
- Fixed an issue with customer good depletion values not changing when manually change item quantities
- Fixed an issue with the order delete button disappearing when leaving search and returning
- Fixed an issue with searching tasks that are related to order or quote items
- Fixed an issue with some customer good depletion orders sometimes showing on POS
- Fixed an issue with products on deleted customer goods causing errors on POS and online
- Fixed an issue with quote table overrides not holding on more than 1 quantity
- Fixed an issue with tax calculations for groups with different item quantities that are in shipments
- Fixed an issue with tax calculations for groups where the non primary item price is overridden after being added to a shipment
April 21, 2022
April 21, 2022
(Released to Beta: Apr 21, 2022, Released to Public: May 24, 2022)
- Fixed an issue with the closeout export displaying credits and debits separately on a single GL
- Fixed an issue with addresses not falling back to customer on import order request when contacts have address Id’s
- Fixed an issue with the page name not changing when selecting a different product option
- Fixed an issue with the Invoice Total tag on quote approval not calculating graphics or discounts
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
(Released to Beta: Apr 22, 2022, Released to Public: April 26, 2022)
- Fixed an issue with groups with individual customers goods causing errors online
- Fixed an issue with due dates using time sometimes showing the incorrect date on stats
- Fixed an issue with customer goods with deleted group replenishment products not showing on search
- Fixed an issue with the deposit payment report using the manual total instead of the calculated value
- Fixed an issue with the wide format mode not using the mode on a template through quick add
- Fixed an issue with variable template artwork remaining on item when new product options is selected
- Fixed an issue with the import order request not using the default order due option on new items
- Fixed an issue with 2 check all boxes showing on quote search