Version 2.30

Version 2.29
June 4, 2020
Version 2.31
June 4, 2020


  • Dockets Tab
    • Can no longer update dates or departments on this screen, you must select the check boxes and use the ‘Bulk Actions’ window
    • Same ‘Bulk Actions’ window for Dockets Tab and on Order Edit
      • A ‘Lots’ field and ‘Proof Status’ fields have been added as options for updating
  • Customer Load and Updater
    • Can now import information for Customers for every field on the Customer Edit Screen and info tab.
    • Can now export, update and/or import a CSV to bulk update Customers
  • Conatct Load and Updater
    • Can now import information for multiples Contacts per Customer
    • Can now export, update and/or import a CSV to bulk update Contacts
  • Cut Costs
    • Can now bulk update cut costs for stock on the general page

Bug Fixes

  • General Performance increases